8255 PIO
If you need futher information please check my page, I have the manual online.

The 8255 I/O PIO occupies (4) consecutive 8 bit I/O locations starting at BASE+0 and going to BASE+3.
The structure of the addressing is as follows:
- BASE+0 = Port A (read or write)
- BASE+1 = Port B (read or write)
- BASE+2 = Port C (read or write)
- BASE+3 = Control Register (write only)
The following is an overview of each of the three available modes:
MODE 0 (Basic Input/Output):
- (2) Eight bit ports and (2) 4 bit ports
- Any port can be either input or output
- Outputs are latched
- Inputs are not latched
- (16) different Input/Output configurations are possible in this mode
MODE 1 (Strobed Input/Output):
- (2) Groups (Group A and Group B)
- Each group contains one 8 bit data port and (1) 4 bit control/data port
- The 8 bit data port can be either input or output
- Both inputs and outputs are latched
- The 4 bit port is used for control and status of the 8 bit data port
MODE 2 ( Strobed Bi-directional Bus I/O):
- Used in Group A only
- One 8 bit bi-directional bus port (Port A) and one 5 bit control port (Port C)
- Both inputs and outputs are latched
- The 5 bit control port (Port C) is used for control and status for the 8 bit, bi-directional bus port (Port A)
CONTROL WORD to define operation mode: (This word is written to base+3)

D7 = 1 Designation of mode set flag
D6 D5 Mode selection of Group A
0 0 = mode 0
0 1 = mode 1
1 x = mode 2
D4 Input/Output selection of Port A
0 = Output
1 = Input
D3 Input/Output selection of high order 4 bits of Port C
0 = Output
1 = Input
D2 Mode selection of Group B
0 = mode 0
1 = mode 1
D1 Input/Output selection of Port B
0 = Output
1 = Input
D0 Input/Output selection of low order 4 bits of Port C
0 = Output
1 = Input
CONTROL WORD to set and reset bits in In/Out Port C (This word is written to base+3)

D7 = 0 Bit set/reset flag 0 = Active.
D6 D5 D4 Don't care.
D3 D2 D1 Bit selection
0 0 0 PC0
0 0 1 PC1
0 1 0 PC2
0 1 1 PC3
1 0 0 PC4
1 0 1 PC5
1 1 0 PC6
1 1 1 PC7
D0 Bit set/reset selection
0 = Reset
1 = Set